Retail Cannabis in West Vancouver

March 2022 Update

At the Regular Council meeting on December 15, 2021, Council approved two Temporary Use Permits to allow a non-medical cannabis retail business for a period of three years to the following applicants:

Ambleside Commercial Area

  • 1453 Bellevue Avenue

Horseshoe Bay Commercial Area

  • 6609 Royal Avenue

Council denied the remaining eight applications.

October 2021 Update

The District of West Vancouver received a total of 10 Temporary Use Permit applications for cannabis retail. Visit our Current Developments webpage for information on the applications.

As per Council direction at the Regular Council meeting on May 31, 2021, staff brought forward all 10 current cannabis retail applications that were received by June 30, 2021, in a batch for Council to review.

Staff recommended that Council receive the report containing the 10 Temporary Use Permit applications for cannabis retail for information at the Council meeting on October 18, 2021. At the meeting Council passed the following motion that:

1) the following proposed Temporary Use Permit (TUP) applications:

  • No. 20-112 for 1453 Bellevue Avenue;
  • No. 21-072 for 1528 Marine Drive;
  • No. 21-094 for 1443 Clyde Avenue;
  • No. 21-097 for 1519 Clyde Avenue;
  • No. 21-099 for 1437 Clyde Avenue; and
  • No. 21-102 for 1480 Marine Drive;
  • No. 21-004 for 6609 Royal Avenue;
  • No. 21-036 for 6412 Bay Street;
  • No. 21-071 for 103-2433 Bellevue Avenue; and
  • No. 21-098 for 17-636 Clyde Avenue;

to allow for a cannabis retail business, as described in the report dated September 28, 2021, be considered at the December 15, 2021 Council Meeting, and that notice be given of consideration of the proposed Temporary Use Permits;

2) the minimum notification area for the proposed Temporary Use Permits in the Ambleside and Horseshoe Bay shopping areas required under Development Procedures Bylaw No. 4940, 2017, be enlarged to allow for a combined notice as shown in Appendix A; and

3) staff develop a checklist of information items and instructions to assist applicants to prepare their presentations and supporting materials.

As part of the consideration process, neighbours within 50 metres of each of the proposed TUP(s) received written notice about the application and had the opportunity to provide comments to Mayor and Council on the proposal. The deadline to submit written comments was December 15, 2021.


Since October of 2018, non-medical cannabis has been legal in Canada. Retail stores have opened across the Lower Mainland, but the District of West Vancouver has taken a cautious approach and has not yet permitted retail cannabis stores to open in the municipality.

The District waited and reviewed what happened in other municipalities before developing draft criteria to guide the review and approval of cannabis retail proposals in West Vancouver.

We asked the community for input on this draft criteria to guide how cannabis retailers are approved in West Vancouver. The survey was open for comments until Wednesday, April 21, at 4 p.m.

What is an interim policy?

Developing the policy as "interim" indicates that the District does not intend for the policy to be final at this stage. Calling a policy "interim" indicates the expectation that there will be future review and consideration of updates to the policy. Staff are proposing to apply the policy on an interim basis (for a proposed period of three years) so that they can gain information and actual experience, then report back to Council with further evaluation and recommendations.

The interim policy now under development includes criteria for identifying acceptable sites for retail cannabis applications, which are legal in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Background Information

Proposed criteria

  1. Retail cannabis stores may not be located within a 100-metre distance from elementary and secondary schools
  2. A retail cannabis business may have a maximum eight-metre store frontage
  3. A maximum of one store to be permitted in each of the following town centres/commercial nodes:
    1. Ambleside Village Centre
    2. Horseshoe Bay Village Centre
    3. Dundarave Village Centre
    4. Park Royal North

The following maps of commercial areas in West Vancouver indicate sites that would be permitted, or not permitted, using the proposed criteria.

Thank you for your feedback

Staff presented the Interim Non-medical Cannabis Policy to Council on Monday, May 31, 2021.

The survey was open for comments until Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 4 p.m.

March 2022 Update

At the Regular Council meeting on December 15, 2021, Council approved two Temporary Use Permits to allow a non-medical cannabis retail business for a period of three years to the following applicants:

Ambleside Commercial Area

  • 1453 Bellevue Avenue

Horseshoe Bay Commercial Area

  • 6609 Royal Avenue

Council denied the remaining eight applications.

October 2021 Update

The District of West Vancouver received a total of 10 Temporary Use Permit applications for cannabis retail. Visit our Current Developments webpage for information on the applications.

As per Council direction at the Regular Council meeting on May 31, 2021, staff brought forward all 10 current cannabis retail applications that were received by June 30, 2021, in a batch for Council to review.

Staff recommended that Council receive the report containing the 10 Temporary Use Permit applications for cannabis retail for information at the Council meeting on October 18, 2021. At the meeting Council passed the following motion that:

1) the following proposed Temporary Use Permit (TUP) applications:

  • No. 20-112 for 1453 Bellevue Avenue;
  • No. 21-072 for 1528 Marine Drive;
  • No. 21-094 for 1443 Clyde Avenue;
  • No. 21-097 for 1519 Clyde Avenue;
  • No. 21-099 for 1437 Clyde Avenue; and
  • No. 21-102 for 1480 Marine Drive;
  • No. 21-004 for 6609 Royal Avenue;
  • No. 21-036 for 6412 Bay Street;
  • No. 21-071 for 103-2433 Bellevue Avenue; and
  • No. 21-098 for 17-636 Clyde Avenue;

to allow for a cannabis retail business, as described in the report dated September 28, 2021, be considered at the December 15, 2021 Council Meeting, and that notice be given of consideration of the proposed Temporary Use Permits;

2) the minimum notification area for the proposed Temporary Use Permits in the Ambleside and Horseshoe Bay shopping areas required under Development Procedures Bylaw No. 4940, 2017, be enlarged to allow for a combined notice as shown in Appendix A; and

3) staff develop a checklist of information items and instructions to assist applicants to prepare their presentations and supporting materials.

As part of the consideration process, neighbours within 50 metres of each of the proposed TUP(s) received written notice about the application and had the opportunity to provide comments to Mayor and Council on the proposal. The deadline to submit written comments was December 15, 2021.


Since October of 2018, non-medical cannabis has been legal in Canada. Retail stores have opened across the Lower Mainland, but the District of West Vancouver has taken a cautious approach and has not yet permitted retail cannabis stores to open in the municipality.

The District waited and reviewed what happened in other municipalities before developing draft criteria to guide the review and approval of cannabis retail proposals in West Vancouver.

We asked the community for input on this draft criteria to guide how cannabis retailers are approved in West Vancouver. The survey was open for comments until Wednesday, April 21, at 4 p.m.

What is an interim policy?

Developing the policy as "interim" indicates that the District does not intend for the policy to be final at this stage. Calling a policy "interim" indicates the expectation that there will be future review and consideration of updates to the policy. Staff are proposing to apply the policy on an interim basis (for a proposed period of three years) so that they can gain information and actual experience, then report back to Council with further evaluation and recommendations.

The interim policy now under development includes criteria for identifying acceptable sites for retail cannabis applications, which are legal in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Background Information

Proposed criteria

  1. Retail cannabis stores may not be located within a 100-metre distance from elementary and secondary schools
  2. A retail cannabis business may have a maximum eight-metre store frontage
  3. A maximum of one store to be permitted in each of the following town centres/commercial nodes:
    1. Ambleside Village Centre
    2. Horseshoe Bay Village Centre
    3. Dundarave Village Centre
    4. Park Royal North

The following maps of commercial areas in West Vancouver indicate sites that would be permitted, or not permitted, using the proposed criteria.

Thank you for your feedback

Staff presented the Interim Non-medical Cannabis Policy to Council on Monday, May 31, 2021.

The survey was open for comments until Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 4 p.m.

Answers to frequently asked questions.
  • What are the public input opportunities for retail cannabis applications?

    almost 4 years ago

    After this interim policy is in place, residents will still have input into future retail cannabis businesses. 

    Applicants wishing to open a retail cannabis business in West Vancouver can apply for a rezoning or for a temporary use permit. Both of these processes include opportunities for public input. 

    Both temporary use permits and rezoning applications require public consultation, including neighbourhood notification to surrounding residents and a newspaper advertisement. Both kinds of requests would require submitting a Development Application Form (applicants select which type of permit they are applying for within this form). 

    Temporary use permit process

    • the applicant is required to host a public information meeting during the review process for the application
    • notification to surrounding residents and businesses is sent out advertising the meeting
    • the District publishes a notice in the newspaper
    • the District issues neighbourhood notification advising people of when the Temporary Use Permit will be considered and opportunities for the public to provide input. 

    Rezoning application process

    • the applicant is required to host a minimum of two public information meetings (prior to submission of an application and prior to the public hearing, if scheduled)
    • notification to surrounding residents and businesses is sent out advertising these meetings
    • the District publishes a notice of the public hearing in the newspaper
    • the District issues neighbourhood notification inviting people to provide their feedback and to attend the public hearing to provide comments directly to Mayor and Council. 

    Feedback obtained from the public for both temporary use permit and rezoning applications would be summarized in the District’s recommendation to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. 

    Further information on the notification and public consultation requirements are found in the Development Procedures Bylaw and the Local Government Act

    Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all public engagement opportunities will be virtual. 

  • Why did the District choose a 100-metre distance from elementary and secondary schools as criteria?

    Communications Staff: Kristina asked almost 4 years ago

    The distance criteria from sensitive areas (e.g. schools) vary between Lower Mainland municipalities and range from 75 metres to 300 metres. A 100-metre separation from schools is proposed due to the small concentration of commercial areas. A 200-metre separation distance would eliminate the entire Dundarave commercial area due to Irwin Park Elementary School's proximity. In contrast, a 100-metre separation distance allows for retail cannabis to be considered on the south side of Marine Drive. It reduces the travel distance required for consumers looking to purchase cannabis in the District.

  • Other than the District’s process, what other approvals are retail cannabis applicants required to get?

    almost 4 years ago

    Applicants need permission from the provincial Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB), as well as the District, to operate. The two agencies work together. 

    The LCRB will not process provincial licence applications for non-medical retail cannabis until a recommendation from the District is received. 

    Find information about the LCRB’s non-medical cannabis licences and how to apply on their website.

  • Can a retail cannabis licence be revoked?

    almost 4 years ago

    Yes, a business licence or temporary use permit for retail cannabis can be cancelled or revoked if the terms and conditions of the business licence or temporary use permit are not met or if bylaw infractions occur.  As well, if Council were to adopt a Non-medical Retail Cannabis Policy, staff could recommend refusal of an application if the criteria from the policy were not met.

  • Why hasn’t the Caulfeild shopping area been included in the Cannabis Retail Policy?

    Communications Staff: Kristina asked almost 4 years ago

    The Caulfeild shopping area has not been included in the proposed areas for consideration for cannabis retail as it is located within the 100-metre separation distance to Rockridge Secondary School.

  • What is the application process for cannabis retail?

    Communications Staff: Kristina asked almost 4 years ago

    Cannabis businesses wishing to locate in the District can apply for a rezoning or temporary use permit (TUP). 

    A TUP could be issued to allow cannabis retail use for a term of up to three years.  A TUP can only be renewed once for an additional three-year term (to a maximum of 6 years total). 

    An applicant can also choose to apply for a rezoning application that would permanently permit cannabis retail use on the property, if approved. Both temporary use permits and rezoning applications require public consultation, including neighbourhood notification to surrounding residents and a newspaper advertisement.

    If Council were to approve the Interim Cannabis Retail Policy, staff would evaluate site-specific applications using the policy criteria. For rezoning applications, a public hearing is required, and a Council decision would be required to permit cannabis retail applications. For temporary use permits, the Director of Planning and Development Services can consider applications under specific circumstances. However, the Director can refer applications directly to Council.

  • What is West Vancouver doing now?

    Communications Staff: Kristina asked almost 4 years ago

    The District does not currently have a retail cannabis policy to guide the evaluation of business licence applications from retailers wishing to open retail cannabis businesses in West Vancouver.

    Interested retailers have been advised to apply for either a temporary use permit application or a rezoning application. In the absence of a policy to guide the evaluation of site-specific applications, staff would review each application on a case-by-case basis.

     If Council were to adopt an Interim Non-medical Cannabis Retail Policy, staff would use the policy to evaluate each site-specific application received.

  • Has anyone already applied for retail cannabis businesses in West Vancouver?

    Communications Staff: Kristina asked almost 4 years ago

    Yes, staff have received three applications for retail cannabis stores: one in Ambleside Town Centre and two in Horseshoe Bay.

Page last updated: 08 Mar 2022, 11:42 AM