
About the neighbourhood character in West Vancouver

This historical character of West Vancouver single-family neighbourhoods has ranged from modest affordable bungalows to larger estate-type homes which were generally in scale with the surrounding homes. These neighbourhoods accommodated families whose children attended the local schools and most people knew their neighbours. It was rare to see a vacant home.

The growing trend of replacing modest homes with much larger houses is making West Vancouver financially unattainable to the average family. This trend has resulted in fewer pedestrians, fewer local children in West Vancouver public schools and more homes sitting vacant. It is becoming less common for residents to know and interact with their neighbours.

The combination of changing demographics and dramatically increased property values is changing the character of West Vancouver. Many of these changes are societal in nature; the focus of the Neighbourhood Character Working Group will be targeted to specific recommendations on regulations, guidelines and policies related to single-family
homes that are achievable and ultimately beneficial to the residents of West Vancouver.

Background information

In August 2018, Council appointed 10 West Vancouver residents to the Neighbourhood Character Working Group and tasked them with proposing regulations and policies to improve neighbourhood character, protect heritage and mitigate the impacts of development.

By undertaking broad community consultation, the working group identified four key issues: building size; landscaping; neighbour and public interface; and housing diversity.

The working group then engaged the community to validate the identified issues before developing draft recommendations. Phase 1: validate issues was carried out February to May 2019.

In December 2019, based on further research, consultations and public feedback, the working group developed draft recommendations for changes to bylaws and policies related to neighbourhood character and shared them with staff and Council.

In January 2020, the working group initiated Phase 2: identify solutions. A series of meetings were held with industry professionals to review the draft recommendations and provide input.

In Phase 3: finalize recommendations, from July 24 to September 20, 2020, the Neighbourhood Character Working Group presented the results of the last 18 months’ work to the community and asked for input. Community feedback informed the working group's recommendations.

On December 7, 2020, the working group delivered their recommendations to Council and completed their work.

Neighbourhood Character Working Group - Final Recommendations

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