Summary of Apartment Areas "Stream" Progress

The Apartment Areas "stream" of the Ambleside LAP is currently in progress. For more information on the progress to-date, a chronological summary of the timeline is provided below:

July 2023

Within July’s endorsed LAP Framework, specific direction was provided to prepare and introduce bylaw amendments for both the Zoning bylaw (existing development rights and restrictions) and the OCP (policies guiding incremental, longer-term redevelopment). See Maps 3 to 8 from the July 24 report.

September 2023

On September 11, 2023, the Council report containing the proposed Zoning and OCP bylaw amendments was scheduled for first reading. This item was withdrawn by Council during approval of the agenda.

October 2023

These same proposed Zoning and OCP bylaw amendments were subsequently rescheduled for Council consideration on October 23, 2023. At this meeting, staff were directed to proceed separately with these items:

  • The proposed Zoning bylaw amendment to increase FAR from 1.75 to 2.0 (to facilitate balcony enclosures and amenity room conversions) and to protect 30 existing purpose-built rental sites as rental-only received first reading, and a public hearing was scheduled for November 20, 2023; and
  • The proposed OCP bylaw amendment to enable longer-term regeneration of diverse housing types (e.g. seniors housing, townhouses, strata, and non-market rental) was tabled by Council to allow for further discussion on October 30.

Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Changes to the RM1 and RM2 Zones

November 2023

  • November 20: A public hearing was held for the proposed Zoning bylaw amendment to facilitate balcony enclosures and amenity room conversions, and to protect 30 existing rental sites for rental-only.
  • November 27: This proposed Zoning bylaw amendment was then defeated at second reading.

February 2024

On Monday, February 26, 2024, Council passed a new and expanded motion regarding the 30 existing purpose-built rental apartment buildings in Ambleside. Staff were given direction to prepare a new Zoning bylaw amendment to increase the maximum density from 1.75 to 3.0 FAR, provided that the number of existing rental bedrooms would be replaced and tenant assistance would be provided in the event of redevelopment.

March 2024

On Monday, March 11, 2024 – in response to the direction received in February – Council considered the proposed RM1 and RM2 Zoning bylaw amendment for first reading. This amendment proposed:

  • A base density of 2.0 FAR limited to rental-only;
  • An optional maximum FAR of 3.0, on the condition that existing rental bedrooms be replaced and assistance be provided to existing tenants as follows:
    • a tenant relocation coordinator required to identify three alternative rental units;
    • payment equivalent to four times the CMHC market monthly lease rate;
    • two $1,500 payments for move-out and move-back expenses;
    • first right of refusal for tenants to return to a unit with the same number of bedrooms at the CMHC market monthly lease rate prevailing at that time; and
    • replacement rental units be secured in perpetuity through a covenant registered on land title.

This proposed bylaw amendment was defeated by Council at first reading.

June 2024 :

On Monday, June 24, 2024, Council held a combined public hearing for the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments. At this meeting, the proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment, received second and third reading.

Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment

October 2023

Staff prepared a memorandum to support Council’s further discussion of the proposed OCP bylaw amendment on October 30, 2023. Following discussion, Council directed that staff report back with a revised OCP bylaw to be considered at a future Council meeting. In the revised amendment, staff were directed to include:

  • heights included as measurements (in addition to storeys);
  • more infill options provided for three large sites; and
  • visualizations of the potential long-term area-wide change.

January 2024

Council considered the revised Apartment Areas OCP bylaw amendment (reflecting the changes directed by Council in October) for first reading on Monday, January 29, 2024. At this meeting, first reading was given to the revised OCP bylaw amendment, and staff were directed to host a Town Hall meeting, and then report back with any potential amendments.

February 2024

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, Council and staff held the Town Hall meeting on the revised Ambleside Apartment Areas OCP bylaw amendment.

Approximately 200 people attended the meeting. The display boards, presentation slides, and discussion summary are provided.

May 2024

On Monday, May 27, 2024, Council set the date for a combined public hearing on the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments for June 24, 2024.

Council also directed staff to consult with the Ambleside Tenants Association on the draft “Rental Replacement and Tenant Assistance Policy 0164” and report back with amendments within 30-60 days. The purpose of the policy is to provide tenant supports and ensure long-term rental supply in the event of a rezoning application on any purpose-built rental building in West Vancouver.

June 2024 :

On Monday, June 24, 2024, Council held a combined public hearing for the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments. At this meeting, the proposed OCP Bylaw amendment was tabled by Council for third reading on July 8, 2024.

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