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Survey: Ambleside commercial areas

Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. This survey features questions about how Ambleside could look in the future.

The survey will take, approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will help us understand your preferences for your community.

0% answered


About Ambleside

Ambleside is the civic, social, economic, recreational, and cultural hub of West Vancouver. Critical to its success are the commercial areas highlighted below, serving the needs of residents, businesses, visitors, and workers alike. The neighbourhood today has been shaped by past land use decisions, and we have both the responsibility and the opportunity to plan now for the future of Ambleside.

About this survey

The purpose of this survey is to understand your ideas for shaping Ambleside’s commercial areas over the next 20-30 years. 

The survey features Illustrations and concept drawings for six locations within the Ambleside area identified in the map below.

The concept illustrations demonstrate how Ambleside could look with buildings constructed to the heights and densities being considered for inclusion in the Ambleside Local Area Plan.  They are informed by what the community has highlighted through the process thus far as the potential future for Ambleside, including lively and vibrant commercial areas, incremental and complementary change, improved public realm, and varied building forms and heights. 

The illustrations help visualize these ideas in order to encourage further feedback. A description is included for each location to explain the concepts and how the various things we’ve heard you want to see could be achieved.

Your survey feedback will be compiled, analyzed, and used to support further refinement of this plan and associated design guidelines.

Taking the survey

This survey has six sections, each pertaining to one of the six locations within the Ambleside commercial areas. Each section will include:

  • One illustration showing context and one illustration showing street character with potential new buildings presented in colour and existing buildings presented in white
  • A map identifying the points of view for the context and street character illustrations with the footprints and heights in number of storeys shown for existing buildings (see the sample key map and legend below)

Example of a key map

Map legend

The illustrations are not “final”. They are examples of how these areas could look and feel, and are provided to support your input so you can help shape the future of this important area. Tell us what you think!

To learn more about the Ambleside Local Area Plan prior to completing the survey (including where we are in the process, project background information, and to read the July 2023 Council-endorsed LAP Framework), please visit the project page:

Should you require any assistance or have any questions, please email us at or call 604-921-3459.