Phase 3, Step 1 (2022)

July 2022 update

Thank you to everyone who provided input during the Phase 3 engagement for Planning the Upper Lands: Creating a Sustainable Urban Community in Cypress Village and Protecting Lands in Eagleridge. A summary of the Phase 3 engagement is now available.

Phase 3 - Engagement Summary Report

Phase 3 (April 25, 2022)

Drawing on the planning work and community/stakeholder engagement from Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 involved documenting the proposed plan and associated bylaws for consideration of formal adoption by Council. The bylaws will include:

  • An Area Development Plan for Cypress Village and Eagleridge. The plan will set out policies to guide the development of Cypress Village over the next 20 to 25 years and policies to protect lands in Eagleridge for recreation and conservation purposes.
  • New comprehensive development zoning for Cypress Village.
  • A phased development agreement between the District and the developer, British Pacific Properties Limited (BPP). This agreement will set out the development phasing and the provision of community amenities in Cypress Village as well as the legal mechanisms for protecting the lands in Eagleridge that are currently owned by BPP.
  • Supporting bylaws (such as a park dedication bylaw and OCP amendments bylaw).

Given the high level of interest from the community and stakeholders in planning for Cypress Village and Eagleridge, prior to the introduction of bylaws and the public hearing process, we are providing an opportunity for community and stakeholder engagement.

The purpose of the Phase 3 engagement was to allow the community and stakeholders to review the draft Area Development Plan and ask questions, before it is presented as part of a package of bylaws for Council’s consideration. The question form was open until 4 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 2022.

Five new documents are posted at the links below:

  1. The Draft Area Development Plan for Cypress Village and Eagleridge
  2. A summary of where we are in the process
  3. An overview of what we heard in Phases 1 and 2 and how that has helped shape the Draft Plan
  4. A document with answers to anticipated questions (Phase 3 FAQs)
  5. Summary information about traffic

Virtual information meetings

Virtual information meetings were held on May 17 and 18. There was a 20-minute presentation followed by a question and answer period.

Watch a video of the presentation

Read a summary of the Q&A

Pop up information booths in person

Pop up information booths were held at Spring Fest West (May 7), West Vancouver Memorial Library (May 10), West Vancouver Community Centre (May 11), and the Cypress Pop-Up Village (May 12).

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