West Vancouver website improvements

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback about their experience using three of the District's websites.

Your feedback will help us plan for an upgrade to serve you better.

The three main District websites (westvancouver.ca, westvancouverrec.ca, and recschedules.westvancouver.ca) were designed and built eight years ago. Since then, the online landscape has changed, and the design of these websites has become outdated.

We are working to combine, revitalize, and update the three websites into one website that offers a more sophisticated user experience. Our goal is to provide clear, easy-to-find information and excellent customer service—all while meeting high standards for design quality, accessibility, and visual appeal.

Your feedback and experience will help guide website improvements and priorities.

Survey now closed

The survey was open from Tuesday, October 12 to Friday, November 12 at 4 p.m.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback about their experience using three of the District's websites.

Your feedback will help us plan for an upgrade to serve you better.

The three main District websites (westvancouver.ca, westvancouverrec.ca, and recschedules.westvancouver.ca) were designed and built eight years ago. Since then, the online landscape has changed, and the design of these websites has become outdated.

We are working to combine, revitalize, and update the three websites into one website that offers a more sophisticated user experience. Our goal is to provide clear, easy-to-find information and excellent customer service—all while meeting high standards for design quality, accessibility, and visual appeal.

Your feedback and experience will help guide website improvements and priorities.

Survey now closed

The survey was open from Tuesday, October 12 to Friday, November 12 at 4 p.m.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Page last updated: 12 Nov 2021, 04:12 PM