Ambleside Local Area Plan

We acknowledge that we are on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Squamish Nation, Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Musqueam Nation. We recognize and respect them as nations in this territory, as well as their historic connection to the lands and waters around us since time immemorial.

Creating a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Ambleside

The Official Community Plan (OCP) includes policy to develop an LAP for Ambleside, which would outline the long-range vision for the area, provide more detailed regulations and guidelines to shape the form and character of new development, and confirm the local policy response to planning topics like housing, the local economy, mobility, and the public realm. The LAP, once adopted, would become a component of the OCP.

Sign up for email notifications to stay informed. We welcome your questions and feedback by phone or email.

Share Your Feedback on the Commercial Areas Draft Plan

As part of the ongoing process, a Draft Plan has been prepared for the Ambleside Commercial Areas, informed by findings from engagement in Fall 2024.

We want to hear from you! Review the Draft Plan and share your feedback between now and Monday, March 17, 2025 by connecting with staff by email or phone at and 604-921-3459.

Ambleside Commercial Areas Draft Plan

Council Report

Establishing the Framework

On June 13, 2022, Council directed staff to prepare three high-level, draft plan options for Ambleside LAP engagement purposes and report back in the first quarter of 2023. These options were subsequently presented to Council at its February 6, 2023 meeting, where staff were directed to proceed with LAP engagement. Over the course of spring 2023 community engagement, staff held 25 events and/or meetings, which resulted in ~640 voices heard and 354 pages of public input.

At the July 24, 2023, Council meeting, staff presented a summary of those engagement findings and a proposed LAP Framework to guide next steps. The Framework was endorsed by Council, and staff were directed to proceed with a “three-streamed” approach addressing the apartment, commercial, and neighbourhood areas.

Stream 1: Apartment Areas

Well advanced.

Adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Adopted OCP Bylaw Amendment

Stream 2: Commercial Areas:

Currently in progress.

Stream 3: Neighbourhood Areas

Pending progress on the Commercial Areas “stream”. See Map 2 of the July 24, 2023 endorsed Framework for preliminary directions for the Neighbourhood Areas.

We acknowledge that we are on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Squamish Nation, Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Musqueam Nation. We recognize and respect them as nations in this territory, as well as their historic connection to the lands and waters around us since time immemorial.

Creating a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Ambleside

The Official Community Plan (OCP) includes policy to develop an LAP for Ambleside, which would outline the long-range vision for the area, provide more detailed regulations and guidelines to shape the form and character of new development, and confirm the local policy response to planning topics like housing, the local economy, mobility, and the public realm. The LAP, once adopted, would become a component of the OCP.

Sign up for email notifications to stay informed. We welcome your questions and feedback by phone or email.

Share Your Feedback on the Commercial Areas Draft Plan

As part of the ongoing process, a Draft Plan has been prepared for the Ambleside Commercial Areas, informed by findings from engagement in Fall 2024.

We want to hear from you! Review the Draft Plan and share your feedback between now and Monday, March 17, 2025 by connecting with staff by email or phone at and 604-921-3459.

Ambleside Commercial Areas Draft Plan

Council Report

Establishing the Framework

On June 13, 2022, Council directed staff to prepare three high-level, draft plan options for Ambleside LAP engagement purposes and report back in the first quarter of 2023. These options were subsequently presented to Council at its February 6, 2023 meeting, where staff were directed to proceed with LAP engagement. Over the course of spring 2023 community engagement, staff held 25 events and/or meetings, which resulted in ~640 voices heard and 354 pages of public input.

At the July 24, 2023, Council meeting, staff presented a summary of those engagement findings and a proposed LAP Framework to guide next steps. The Framework was endorsed by Council, and staff were directed to proceed with a “three-streamed” approach addressing the apartment, commercial, and neighbourhood areas.

Stream 1: Apartment Areas

Well advanced.

Adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Adopted OCP Bylaw Amendment

Stream 2: Commercial Areas:

Currently in progress.

Stream 3: Neighbourhood Areas

Pending progress on the Commercial Areas “stream”. See Map 2 of the July 24, 2023 endorsed Framework for preliminary directions for the Neighbourhood Areas.

  • January 2025 Update

    Many thanks again to all those who completed the survey, attended an open house, or provided input to help shape Ambleside's commercial areas.

    A review of all public input has been completed, and staff will report to Council on Monday, January 13, 2025. The Council Report includes a summary of engagement findings (Appendix A), a Draft Plan (Appendix B), and recommended next steps to move the LAP process forward.

    If you have questions or feedback to provide on the Draft Plan, please email staff at

    Council Report

    Engagement Summary

    Ambleside Commercial Areas Draft Plan

  • Thank You For Helping to Shape Ambleside's Commercial Areas

    Thank you for those who completed the survey, attended an open house, or provided input.

    We received lots of feedback on the concept illustrations prepared for Ambleside’s Commercial Areas between October 1 to November 4. Your input will help shape a future Ambleside LAP and Design Guidelines!

    The survey is now closed. Staff will begin to carefully review all input and present a summary of feedback to Council to seek direction on next steps. Please subscribe to stay informed on future project updates.

    Ambleside Commercial Areas Illustrations

    LAP Framework (see Maps 9-14)

  • Visualize Ideas for Ambleside’s Commercial Areas!

    Illustrations have been prepared for Ambleside’s Commercial Areas and we want to hear from you! Share your input and help shape the future of Ambleside by attending an upcoming open house and completing the online survey.

    The illustrations are not “final”. Your comments will be used to help with design refinement, and ultimately to help shape an Ambleside Commercial Areas LAP and Design Guidelines. Your feedback is important!

    Ambleside Commercial Areas Illustrations

    LAP Framework (see Maps 9-14)

    Attend an open house

    Drop by an open house to learn more about the draft illustrations, ask questions to staff, and share your feedback in-person or through the online survey. Open houses will be held in the Activity Room at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (695 21st Street) on:

    • Thursday, October 3, 2024 | 5–7 p.m.
    • Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 2–4 p.m.

    The open houses will be self-guided and drop-in format. Registration is not required.

    Take the survey

    The survey will allow you to share your feedback on draft illustrations of the Ambleside Commercial Areas, depicting how these areas could look over the next 20-30 years with buildings constructed to the heights and densities being considered for inclusion in the Ambleside LAP.

    The survey is available online from Tuesday, October 1, to Monday, November 4 at 4 p.m.

    Paper surveys are available for pick up at the West Vancouver Memorial Library (1950 Marine Drive) and at Municipal Hall (750 17th Street).

    We want to thank you for your meaningful participation to date and we look forward to continuing this important conversation with you!

  • July 2024 Update: Apartment Areas 'Stream' Progress

    The Apartment Areas “stream” of the Ambleside LAP has advanced through the adoption of Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments.

    Zoning Bylaw Amendment

    On July 8, 2024, Council adopted the proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment. This amendment increases the permitted floor area from 1.75 to 2.0 FAR for RM1 and RM2 zoned sites with no change to existing maximum heights, to facilitate balcony enclosures or amenity room conversions.

    Adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment

    OCP Bylaw Amendment

    On July 22, 2024, Council adopted the OCP Bylaw amendment with some reductions to proposed heights, to guide long-term change in the Apartment Areas. Council also indicated they anticipate further amendments to this OCP Bylaw in the Fall. Should Council direct any amendments, the webpage would be updated, and a public hearing would be scheduled.

    Adopted OCP Bylaw Amendment

  • Summary of Apartment Areas "Stream" Progress

    The Apartment Areas "stream" of the Ambleside LAP is currently in progress. For more information on the progress to-date, a chronological summary of the timeline is provided below:

    July 2023

    Within July’s endorsed LAP Framework, specific direction was provided to prepare and introduce bylaw amendments for both the Zoning bylaw (existing development rights and restrictions) and the OCP (policies guiding incremental, longer-term redevelopment). See Maps 3 to 8 from the July 24 report.

    September 2023

    On September 11, 2023, the Council report containing the proposed Zoning and OCP bylaw amendments was scheduled for first reading. This item was withdrawn by Council during approval of the agenda.

    October 2023

    These same proposed Zoning and OCP bylaw amendments were subsequently rescheduled for Council consideration on October 23, 2023. At this meeting, staff were directed to proceed separately with these items:

    • The proposed Zoning bylaw amendment to increase FAR from 1.75 to 2.0 (to facilitate balcony enclosures and amenity room conversions) and to protect 30 existing purpose-built rental sites as rental-only received first reading, and a public hearing was scheduled for November 20, 2023; and
    • The proposed OCP bylaw amendment to enable longer-term regeneration of diverse housing types (e.g. seniors housing, townhouses, strata, and non-market rental) was tabled by Council to allow for further discussion on October 30.

    Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Changes to the RM1 and RM2 Zones

    November 2023

    • November 20: A public hearing was held for the proposed Zoning bylaw amendment to facilitate balcony enclosures and amenity room conversions, and to protect 30 existing rental sites for rental-only.
    • November 27: This proposed Zoning bylaw amendment was then defeated at second reading.

    February 2024

    On Monday, February 26, 2024, Council passed a new and expanded motion regarding the 30 existing purpose-built rental apartment buildings in Ambleside. Staff were given direction to prepare a new Zoning bylaw amendment to increase the maximum density from 1.75 to 3.0 FAR, provided that the number of existing rental bedrooms would be replaced and tenant assistance would be provided in the event of redevelopment.

    March 2024

    On Monday, March 11, 2024 – in response to the direction received in February – Council considered the proposed RM1 and RM2 Zoning bylaw amendment for first reading. This amendment proposed:

    • A base density of 2.0 FAR limited to rental-only;
    • An optional maximum FAR of 3.0, on the condition that existing rental bedrooms be replaced and assistance be provided to existing tenants as follows:
      • a tenant relocation coordinator required to identify three alternative rental units;
      • payment equivalent to four times the CMHC market monthly lease rate;
      • two $1,500 payments for move-out and move-back expenses;
      • first right of refusal for tenants to return to a unit with the same number of bedrooms at the CMHC market monthly lease rate prevailing at that time; and
      • replacement rental units be secured in perpetuity through a covenant registered on land title.

    This proposed bylaw amendment was defeated by Council at first reading.

    June 2024 :

    On Monday, June 24, 2024, Council held a combined public hearing for the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments. At this meeting, the proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment, received second and third reading.

    Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment

    October 2023

    Staff prepared a memorandum to support Council’s further discussion of the proposed OCP bylaw amendment on October 30, 2023. Following discussion, Council directed that staff report back with a revised OCP bylaw to be considered at a future Council meeting. In the revised amendment, staff were directed to include:

    • heights included as measurements (in addition to storeys);
    • more infill options provided for three large sites; and
    • visualizations of the potential long-term area-wide change.

    January 2024

    Council considered the revised Apartment Areas OCP bylaw amendment (reflecting the changes directed by Council in October) for first reading on Monday, January 29, 2024. At this meeting, first reading was given to the revised OCP bylaw amendment, and staff were directed to host a Town Hall meeting, and then report back with any potential amendments.

    February 2024

    On Thursday, February 29, 2024, Council and staff held the Town Hall meeting on the revised Ambleside Apartment Areas OCP bylaw amendment.

    Approximately 200 people attended the meeting. The display boards, presentation slides, and discussion summary are provided.

    May 2024

    On Monday, May 27, 2024, Council set the date for a combined public hearing on the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments for June 24, 2024.

    Council also directed staff to consult with the Ambleside Tenants Association on the draft “Rental Replacement and Tenant Assistance Policy 0164” and report back with amendments within 30-60 days. The purpose of the policy is to provide tenant supports and ensure long-term rental supply in the event of a rezoning application on any purpose-built rental building in West Vancouver.

    June 2024 :

    On Monday, June 24, 2024, Council held a combined public hearing for the proposed Zoning and OCP Bylaw amendments. At this meeting, the proposed OCP Bylaw amendment was tabled by Council for third reading on July 8, 2024.

  • Join us for the Ambleside LAP Town Hall!

    A proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) bylaw amendment has been prepared for the Ambleside Apartment Area as part of the Local Area Plan (LAP) process. This amendment proposes OCP policies that – if approved – would guide future development that meets a broad range of local housing needs.

    The proposed bylaw overwhelmingly reflects the LAP Framework endorsed at the July 24, 2023, Council Meeting with minor revisions reflected from the October 30, 2023, meeting.

    Attend the Town Hall meeting

    Come find out more about proposed changes to Ambleside’s Apartment Area and share your input at a Town Hall meeting!

    • Thursday, February 29, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    • Seniors’ Activity Centre, Activity Room (695 21st Street, West Vancouver)

    Doors will open at 4 p.m., with a presentation at 5 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer period. Registration is not required.

    Subscribe to receive project updates by entering your email on the “stay informed” tab.

  • Findings from phase one presented to Council on July 24, 2023

    Thank you again for sharing your feedback and input on the Ambleside Local Area Plan (LAP). Staff reviewed all public input and presented the findings to Council on Monday, July 24, 2023 for direction on next steps.

    View the Council Report and accompanying documents below (these items are also in the document library section of this project page).

    Council Report: July 14, 2023

    Appendix A: Ambleside LAP Framework: July 24, 2023

    Appendix B: Ambleside LAP Subject Lands Where New Rental Tenure Zoning Would Apply - July 24, 2023

    Appendix C: Ambleside LAP Public Engagement Summary - July 24, 2023

    Appendix D: Ambleside LAP - Memo -Summary for Ambleside Transportation Plan Phase 1

    Ambleside LAP Public Engagement Transcript: July 24, 2023

  • Creating a Local Area Plan (LAP) for Ambleside

    Ambleside is a waterfront neighbourhood and commercial centre located on the north shore of the Burrard Inlet, situated between Dundarave and Park Royal. Ambleside’s continued success and long-term vitality are of importance to residents, businesses, visitors, and the entire West Vancouver community.

    On June 13, 2022, Council directed staff to prepare three high-level, draft plan options for Ambleside LAP engagement purposes and report back in the first quarter of 2023. These options were subsequently presented to Council at its February 6, 2023 meeting, where staff were directed to proceed with LAP engagement.

    Options Booklet (PDF)

    Historical Summary (PDF)

    Council Report: June 13, 2022 (PDF)

    Council Report: February 6, 2023 (PDF)

    The District is committed to public engagement that provides meaningful opportunities to shape the future of Ambleside. The three options are not definitive. They are draft, high-level, and provided as a tool to generate your feedback, new ideas, and facilitate community dialogue.

    Sign up for email notifications to stay informed. We welcome your questions and feedback by phone or email.

  • Thank you for helping to shape the future of Ambleside!

    A big thank you to all who participated in Ambleside Local Area Plan (LAP) meetings, pop-ups, workshops, and/or additionally shared your input by phone or email this spring!

    Staff really enjoyed meeting members of the community, hearing your perspectives on the draft Options, and finding out about your own great ideas. Hundreds of you participated and thousands of suggestions and comments were made. We will now be carefully reviewing all public input to prepare an upcoming report and presentation to Council, targeted for July, to seek direction on the LAP’s next steps.

    If you haven’t already, please subscribe to receive project updates by clicking on the Stay Informed tab on this project page, and feel free to browse through the project FAQs, timeline, and document library.

  • Shaping the future of Ambleside!

    Many thanks for registering for the LAP workshops! We look forward to discussing the three draft options with you, as well as your new ideas for land use and building forms in Ambleside. All eight in-person and virtual workshop dates are now full, with registration closed.

    If you were unable to register for a workshop, we encourage you to review the three draft options and share your input for Ambleside’s new LAP by email.

    All input received will be summarized and presented back to Council at an open meeting – targeted for July – to seek their direction on next steps on how to move the LAP forward!

    In-person workshops

    • FULL – Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 4–6 p.m.
    • FULL – Thursday, April 20, 2023, 5–7 p.m.
    • FULL – Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 4–6 p.m.
    • FULL – Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 4–6 p.m.
    • FULL – Thursday, May 11, 2023, 5–7 p.m.

    Virtual workshops

    • FULL - Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
    • FULL - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 12–2 p.m.
    • FULL - Wednesday, May 17, 2023 4–6 p.m
Page last updated: 14 Jan 2025, 04:31 PM